The 10 Most Visionary Education Leaders of 2020
Chartered on December 18, 1869, Claflin University is the oldest historically ….

Bradley J. Cook: An Educator Putting Learners’ Needs First
Early childhood experiences are not dissimilar to clay being molded into a sculpture. Life experiences and the learning it brings shape the overall development of character and personality. Born in Ogden, Utah, Bradley J. Cook is the current President of

Christopher Capuano: Transforming Education with Vision, and Grit
The COVID-19 pandemic has brought a myriad of challenges to the world of education. Despite growing concerns about the rising costs of education, the COVID-19 pandemic has forced universities to invest heavily in technology, at additional significant cost to institutions.

Chancellor Pradeep K. Khosla: Transforming the Approach to Teaching and Learning
The University of California San Diego was established as an experimental campus in 1960 by a group of scholars who were not afraid to push boundaries, challenge expectations, redefine conventional wisdom, and encourage students to look deeper. Over the years,

Dr. David Livingston: Strengthening the Heritage While Catering Modern Education
Lewis University—initially named Holy Name Technical School, was established in 1932 under the influence of the Chicago Archdiocese and Bishop Bernard J. Sheil. The school is highly inspired by the Catholic and Lasallian heritage and offers a values-centered curriculum. Presently,

Dr. Steven Yoho: Providing Educational Opportunities to a Diverse Student Population
One of the oldest universities in Georgia, South University was founded in 1899 in Savannah, Georgia. The university was first established as Draughon’s Practical Business College focused on teaching the fundamentals needed by successful businesses including accounting, banking, shorthand, bookkeeping,

Dr. Jack Hawkins Jr. : A Catalyst for the Transformation of the University
Troy University, a public university based in Troy, Alabama, was founded in 1887 by an act of the Alabama Legislature to prepare teachers for the state’s classrooms. Today, Troy University is an international university, serving students from more than 80

Lorrie Clemo Ph. D.: A Pacesetter Making a Difference in Higher Education
Over the past decade, higher education has exhibited the same conditions that forced other industries to undergo a vast transformation. Just as schools were bracing themselves for the unprecedented decline in the number of high school graduates, the COVID-19 pandemic

Nido Qubein: A Leader Promoting Education Globally
Established in 1924, High Point University (HPU) partnered with the United Methodist Church and the city of High Point. The university celebrated its United Methodist roots while welcoming students from around the world who represent all beliefs and walks of

Universities must embrace workforce development to restore public confidence
By Jack Hawkins, Jr., Ph.D. The future of American public higher education is spelled J-O-B-S. Universities must pay greater attention to preparing students for the marketplace that awaits them after graduation. This will better serve both our students and society

Business Schools: Teaching Self-Assessment to Endeavour Business World
Business School or B-School usually introduces ‘Intro to Business’ course to newly enrolled students. It’s one of the favorite courses for many students because in this class professors assign them a company project. In this project, students go out, find

The Higher Education Act – Revolutionizing the Education System
Higher education, the simple it sounds today, equally harsh it did in the middle of the 20th century. With primary education being a priority of government and people also, higher education was a hotter cup of tea especially for those